Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Here's a video about what stimming is, and why people on the autism spectrum do it.

I found this article I wanted to share about a family with children on both ends of the autism spectrum. As always, click the link to read the full article.

Having two boys at either end of the autism spectrum can present quite a few challenges. But what happens when the functioning levels change and it starts to become obvious? Here is Part One of The Great Divide In Our House. .. .

High Functioning & Low Functioning Autism – The Great Divide in Our House

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Here's an article about crazy theories that various people have proposed about the cause of autism. The theories range from plausible to outright ridiculous (click the link under the introductory paragraph to read the full article):

Autism is still very misunderstood by the scientific and medical community, which has lead to a lot of speculation and theories with regard to its cause. Scientists still have not been able to identify the cause of autism, but that hasn’t stopped people from continuing to believe disproven theories, or to simply making up their own with no supporting evidence. From theories supported by flawed studies to outright BS, there are almost as many theories about autism as autistic individuals themselves. Here are the top ten dubious theories about the cause of Autism.

10 Crazy Theories on The Cause of Autism

Saturday, May 8, 2010

I just wanted to take the time to share a link to a wonderful forum for people on the autism spectrum and those with loved ones on the spectrum, WrongPlanet.net.

Wrong Planet is an Asperger's and Autism forum. There are boards dedicated to issues pertaining to living with autism, such as parenting, social skills, work, school, and dating, as well as boards to discuss various other interests.

Aside from the forum, Wrong Planet also has articles about autism and Asperger's and member blogs.

If you are looking for a place to meet other people on the spectrum, don't be afraid to join the Wrong Planet community. It can be hard to connect with people face to face, but talking to other people online can help a lot with social skills.

The link again is WrongPlanet.net.
